A Few Things

Hello Friends! I really enjoyed this week. Ben Blair and I started each workday with a planning meeting and I felt like I was much more on top of my tasklist. A great feeling! Although. We also concluded that there is more work to be done than I can do, so I’m going to hire an assistant. Do you live in South Denver? Are you super organized? Do you love things like blogging and Twitter and Facebook? Send me an email at gabrielle@designmom.com and let’s chat. [Update: Thanks for all the assistant-related emails — you guys are the best! I will try to respond this week.]

While I ponder what it will be like to have an assistant, here are a few things I’ve been wanting to share with you:

-Love this camera illustration.
-A quirky and charming nursery — yellow shutters!
First salon visit — her expression is priceless.
That tent!
-What do you think of this umbrella case?
-Have you ever donated breastmilk?
Uncovering the path.
Miles away from everything.

I write a daily post for Babble’s Family Style blog. Here are this week’s posts:
-Would you rather receive flowers or an elephant?
Foxes are the new hedgehog.
-Will this sweet wallet inspire your kids to save?
Shakespeare at your fingertips.
Sandwich puzzles? How cute!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already. Oh! I forgot to tell you. Next week is Ask Design Mom Week. I’ll be posting great reader questions every day. Put on your thinking caps, because I’ll need your brilliant answers!

142 thoughts on “A Few Things”

  1. Re: new Easter egg methods, have you heard about egg cozies? Instead of coloring eggs you can slip little "costumes" over them after they're boiled! The cozies can be used as fingerpuppets afterward, or else you stuff them and close up the bottom and they make great toddler/baby toys.

    My mom just started making these with crochet about a month ago and she's posted them on an Etsy shop. You can see them if you do a Sellers Search using "Buggaloo" on Etsy.

  2. Aaack! Sorry that there was no warning on the Ikea Heights language use. The episode I previewed was clean and I didn't realize some of the episode were not. Yikes. I'll add a warning to the link list.

  3. Oh I had actually never seen that artist's "everything I own," man I love that. I think my stuff would take a a billion sheets. I need to pare that down for sure.

  4. Oh, I wish I lived in Denver! I’d love to apply for your assistant job!

    Absolutely with the foxes…love them! One of our favorite fox books is Fox’s Dream by Tejima. The illustrations are just gorgeous! We have one of them framed in my daughter’s room.

    I have to remember those puzzle cut-outs…very cute.

  5. I’m really happy that you are hiring an assistant. Somehow having 6 children, a husband and an successful daily blog seemed a little too easy. I remember my mom saying years ago…”if Martha Stewart can make this then I certainly can.” My mom didn’t realize that MS had a big staff that did all of the behind the scenes things that make what she does seem easy.

    Now you’ll have a little more time for your wonderful family and your blog will be even better! You know what they say about 2 minds…

  6. Ooooh, you make me want to move. :-)

    Wait, scratch that. You make me want to have my own assistant. Either sounds wonderful. I’m happy for you- I’m sure that will bring you bliss and peace.

  7. Friends of friends, patients of the same pediatrician, etc donated breast milk to us during Saskia’s first year (she’s adopted) & that whole It takes a village saw felt so true & I felt so grateful.

    Assistant sounds beyond smart.

  8. Thanks for giving me a thrill by including the pics of Lilly! I SO didn’t expect that. You are sweet!
    I have a housekeeper that comes once every two weeks and does the floors and the baths and whatever else she sees that I don’t tell her to do…like fix my sink that totally needed fixing. I LOVE ASSISTANCE!

  9. Oh my gosh I wish I lived in South Denver!!! I would die to work for you! I just love your blog. Anyway, hope you have a great weekend! I will be thinking of some good questions for you!

  10. Oh man I wish I could be your assistant but new york,ny is a little bit of a commute to Denver. I know some friends that recently moved to Denver I will facebook and see if she would be interested.

  11. I read the breastmilk link. I have 6 month old twins, and so badly wanted to breastfeed them. But due to thrush and severe pain, I couldnt’ take it past 2 months. 2 of my dear friends, who had babies within 2 weeks of my own and are breastfeeding, said they would pump a little extra milk and give it to me for my girls. I knew that they took care of their eating habits and bodies, and so I felt perfectly comfortable giving my babies their milk. One time they even breastfed my twins when I wasn’t able to! True friends. :)

  12. For the love to Pear Jelly Belly’s — don’t forget to read the email in your in-box from me. I’m in your ‘hood, want to immerse myself in the blog sphere and make a mean crock-pot apple butter. I’m currently into teaching myself to can (my kitchen’s a mess, but my taste-taker co-workers are thrilled) and crochet (I’ve already got knitting in the can). Not too bad for a single gal, eeh?

    Here are a few etsy stores I’m swooning for:
    http://www.etsy.com/shop/onereverie (the “up in the air” print would be a hip engagement present!)

    http://www.etsy.com/shop/Primele (coveting the name stamp to make my own correspondence cards)

    Any other folks with great etsy sellers in their arsenal?

  13. Gabriella, thanks so much for linking back to me with the little get away in Scotland. You should have seen the smile on my face when I clicked on the link without knowing already!
    Good luck with the assistant mission. Your days must be crazy busy to say the least.

  14. OMG! If I lived in S. Denver I’d totally be asking for an interview! Ha! Good luck in your endeavor! Baby M’s story is totally heartbreaking and I do hope that the family receives the donations needed. Sandwich puzzles?! Amazing! Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  15. Darling girl—how we all wish both for an assistant and to be yours. I’ll settle for being your acquaintance. Besides, I wouldn’t live anywhere else but Oregon, now that I’m here.

    Also, can’t comment on your Old Navy Giveaway, even though it’s clearly still open. I suspect it’s another case of lots and lots of Internet Love.

    Wishing you bright colors and a lovely fall rainstorm. And all the fondness in the world.

  16. I so wanted to donate breast milk. I first heard about donating around the time of the Haiti earthquake. It just seemed like something I could do that would be relatively easy for me and so much help to someone else. Alas, I did not know that they don’t take breast milk if your child is older than 1 year, so I couldn’t donate. But if we ever have another child, I will totally do it.

  17. Hello!
    It’s almost as if you are reading my mind! I would love to chat about being a helping hand for you! Not only do I live in Denver, I’m organized and cheerful too!
    I sent an email last night in hopes of becoming your assistant!

  18. i would love to chat with you gabby! i already sent you an email. let me know if you’re still looking! (p.s. this isn’t your niece rachel, but a different one!)

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