Why We Don’t Stress Out About Choosing a School

Back to School1 - Why We Don't Stress Out About Choosing a School featured by popular lifestyle blogger, Gabrielle of Design Mom

Photos and text by Gabrielle.

I get emails about choosing a school all the time, and I’ve had a draft of this post written up for a full year! But I’ve hesitated to publish this because it’s such a stressful topic for so many people, and I don’t want to inadvertently add to anyone’s stress. Please, if you start reading this and you’re not into it, just skip it and move on. I promise, this is not a directive on how to pick a school, and I don’t claim to know where your particular child should go to school. This is just my thoughts on the topic for my own family.

For me, realizing that I wasn’t willing to stress about choosing a school, started when we lived in New York. People that live in New York are crazy when it comes to schools. I’m not sure that statement is even up for argument. And I don’t blame them. It’s intense. Our oldest turned 4 the month we moved there and school started a few weeks afterward. As we settled in, every time we met someone new the big question was: Where is Ralph going to preschool? And the stress wasn’t because we lived in Manhattan. We were in a little town just north of the Bronx, called Tuckahoe.

Since Ben Blair was starting his graduate work at Columbia, and I had baby number 3 a few weeks after we moved in, money was tight, and our only considerations for pre-school were essentially that it be cheap or free. You can imagine my shock when I found out that it wasn’t uncommon in our area for people to pay $20,000 or more per year for pre-school tuition. And these weren’t imaginary people with private jets. These were my friends and neighbors who didn’t drive fancy cars or take exotic vacations.

Back to School2 - Why We Don't Stress Out About Choosing a School featured by popular lifestyle blogger, Gabrielle of Design Mom

Well, paying that kind of preschool tuition simply wasn’t an option for us. So we kept asking around until we heard about other solutions. There was a co-op preschool some mothers at my church had put together — it would switch from house to house each month, with parents doing the teaching. The price was right (free!), but with 3 kids, aged 4 and under, I knew I couldn’t manage it. (We did end up participating in a similar co-op a couple years later for Maude). We also found a Methodist church nearby that offered a preschool with more reasonable prices. It wasn’t a bargain, but it was manageable. It also wasn’t a feeder into the ivy-league-track schools, but we visited it and could see that Ralph would be safe and happy there. We signed him up.

A few short months later, it was time to think about registering for Kindergarten. We knew Ralph would go to the public school in Tuckahoe, though it wasn’t rated nearly as high as the public schools in the nearby wealthier towns of Bronxville and Scarsdale. But even with that decision made, there was so much stress about which teacher he would get. My friends encouraged me to write letters to the school to make sure Ralph was put in the class taught by the Kindergarten teacher with the best reputation. The letters weren’t a guarantee, but they might help.

I found the whole thing just completely overwhelming. I was crushed with worry about who Ralph’s Kindergarten teacher would be. And I felt like an awful parent, knowing there were better-rated public schools available to us if we could afford more expensive rent in neighboring towns. At the park, in the grocery store, anywhere I went, it seemed like the topic of schools was all anybody could talk about.

Well, Ralph didn’t get assigned to that sought after Kindergarten teacher, and my heart was broken. I could barely sleep, wondering if I was sending my first child off to a horrible situation. But it turned out that the teacher he was assigned to was fantastic! Like really awesome! She was a terrific fit for Ralph in so many ways. Plus, she had a communication style with parents that was ideal for me and Ben Blair. Ralph had an amazing Kindergarten year! He loved school and we remained friends with his teacher for the 8 years we lived there. (As a side-note, the following year we didn’t make a teacher request for Maude, but she was assigned the sought-after Kindergarten teacher, and that teacher was excellent as well.)

After our experiences with Kindergarten for Ralph and Maude, I had a mental shift. I realized that I had been so stressed out about Kindergarten when I hadn’t even met any of the Kindergarten teachers. I also realized that the stress didn’t leave after Kindergarten. That these worries would continue till college — I knew my fellow parents were writing teacher-request-letters for every year of school.

At that point, we basically refused to buy in to the choosing a school stress any longer. And it’s not that we didn’t care about school. We definitely care that our kids get a good education! We care that our kids thrive and succeed! But spending time worrying about what school to attend, or paying exorbitant tuition, just isn’t okay with us.

If I find myself getting stressed out about choosing a school, I do my best to return to thoughts like these:

1) Don’t stress out about choosing a school.

I get it. It’s tempting to think about where our kids will go to college before we pick their pre-school, but I think that’s a mistake. Will my child really thrive at Harvard? Maybe. (Malcolm Gladwell’s David & Goliath makes me think otherwise.) At age 5, we don’t know what our kids will be like during middle school or high school or college. And a school that’s working one year may drastically change if you get a teacher that’s not a good fit for your child, or if your son’s best friend moves and he falls into a depression. You can’t control for stuff like that. At different times you’ll need different things.

If you’re an involved parent at all, your child will be able to go to college. And whatever college they get into, can be a building block to the next thing. How many people do you know that went to average public schools, then a decent university, then did medical school or graduate work at a top school? I literally know dozens of these people! And they earn the same salaries as the people that attended high stakes private schools starting in Kindergarten.

Ben Blair and I simply don’t stress about getting into certain schools, and we don’t pick our houses based on school district borders. It’s not worth the worry to me. Instead, I like the idea of using that energy to improve the school we’re assigned to. Or using that energy to improve our home environment. We do not need to get obsessed with choosing a school. It’s unnecessary. We’ll know what to do for our kids. We’ll be able to figure it out, to ask for advice from the right people, to find another option if the first idea isn’t working. Stressing out will not help.

2) You can’t buy happiness.

Paying high tuition, or attending the highest rated school doesn’t guarantee my child will have a happy, successful, fulfilled life. It doesn’t guarantee that my child will be a good citizen or kind person. It doesn’t guarantee that my child will make lots of money as an adult. It doesn’t even guarantee the school will be a good fit for my child. She might hate it. She might be a little fish in a big pond. She might feel pressure to go ivy league, when really, she’d be a better fit at a state school, or even jumping right into a career.

Paying the most tuition in the area won’t guarantee the best or brightest kid. You can’t buy happiness.

So does that mean a quality education doesn’t matter? It for sure matters! We want our kids to have as much quality education as they can. But I think there are many ways to define “quality education”.

3) There are options for choosing a school.

The town I grew up in has since grown, but when we first got there, every kid in town went to the nearest public elementary school. There were no other options. The same thing is true in many towns across America. One public school option. And happily, it mostly meets the needs of the kids. But what if it doesn’t? Until about 10 or 15 years ago, if it didn’t meet your child’s needs, tough luck for you. But that has changed!

If we didn’t like our public schools, we would look around. What are the other public schools like? Is there a charter school? Do we need to do a co-op with other parents? Our kids crave social stuff, but could we do online school and have them get social interaction via extra curricular activities? I know I have options.

In the schools where we live now, there isn’t a ton of funding, so every school can’t provide every program. One high school has a marching band. Another high school has an orchestra. Straightforward options like that can help you choose the right fit for your child. So think about what your child needs. A small class size? Indiviualized attention? A chance to be a leader? Special programs for special needs? A campus garden? A school music program? A Latin and Classics program? A wood-shop on campus? Would he thrive with a diverse group of friends? Don’t assume the best rated school is automatically the best choice for your child.

Can’t find a school that fits your child’s needs? You can make your own education options as well! Maybe you can attend half a day at public school and have a tutor in the afternoons — it would be way less expensive than the typical private school and could be ideal for some kids or families. Does your child crave lots of music education? You could have him attend a decent public school and save your money for piano lessons.

4) I believe in public schools and free education.

My default is public school. I start there. I assume we’ll like whatever school we’re assigned to, and if we don’t, we’ll look at other options. But there are parents that don’t feel they have options at all. Maybe because they don’t speak English well, or are working two jobs and don’t have time to explore the schools in the area. Or maybe they feel like money is too tight and assume that the nearby public school is the only free or affordable option. But their kids deserve a great education just as much as my kids do.

Is public school a fit for everyone? Nope. But for most kids, public schools work, and it’s worth investing our time in them. Because most children in our communities attend public schools, and it’s only in our best interest to give those kids the best educational experience we can.

I know from experience the instinct is to look out for our own kids above all else. And that feeds into our worries about finding the best possible school for our child. The school with the best ratings, or the best reputation. We want to give our kids every chance at success. And we assume the better the school, the more opportunities. It seems like the best school we can find is the ultimate gift to our kids, right?

Well, I actually disagree. If we are so concerned with our own kids that we put them on an elite track, and make sure they’re only rubbing shoulders with the most successful families in our city, while ignoring the needs of other children in the community, that’s not a gift at all. Giving your kids special status while the rest of the world struggles and crumbles is no gift. You’re giving them a worse world instead of a better one.

If we want to give our kids a better world, the most effective way of doing that is making sure every kid in our community has the best possible chance at success. We need to make sure every child in our community has access to an excellent school. And supporting your local public schools is a great way to do that.

Here’s a way to look at it money wise: Our public elementary school raises approx $75,000 per year and that money pays for a choir program, school band, an art event, a campus garden, and more. These programs benefit 300 kids. In comparison, if Ben Blair and I put Oscar, Betty & June, our elementary school aged kids, into the nearest private school, we would be paying $90,000 per year in tuition ($30,000 per student). And that money would benefit only our 3 kids. Of course, we don’t have that much money to put toward tuition, but if we did, I would much rather see those funds go toward a public school, where it could improve circumstances for a hundred times as many kids.

It’s the same with donating time and volunteering in the schools. I think the parents and community members who get involved with public schools are doing amazing work, because they’re not just providing a good educational experience for their own child, they’re also building the entire community.

I believe in public schools and free education.

(That said, I also completely understand there are reasons parents choose private schools as well. Olive will be in public school for 8th grade this fall, but she was enrolled in a private school for the last two years. So I get it, I promise. And in another post, maybe I can talk about how we made that decision. My intention isn’t to shame anyone for not using public schools, I’m just trying to express why I think public schools are so important.)

5) YOU can change things.

When I first wrote about our Oakland public elementary school, I received an email from the woman responsible for transforming it. Not a school employee, she’s a parent in the community. And yes, it really did start with ONE person. In her email she said, “My work at [elementary school] over the past nine years is one of the things in my life that I am most proud of. I don’t think you would believe the changes that have taken place in a relatively short time.”

Be confident you can change or fix things. You like your school but it doesn’t have a strong STEM program? You (yes you!) can make it happen. You are empowered! You can improve your school. You can provide what the school can’t provide until the school improves. You can do it. Parents do it all the time. Sometimes they have no choice but to dive in and improve the situation.

You can volunteer in the classroom. You can organize a group of supportive parents. You can organize a schoolyard clean-up day. You can do it!

6) Worrying about choosing a school is a privilege.

Realize that if you have time to think about these things, and have time to explore options, then you, like me, are very privileged, and that many parents don’t have the luxury of worrying about which school will be best for their kids. But even if they can’t worry about it, their kids deserve a good education every bit as much as your kids do.

I think anytime we find ourselves saying that a certain school is fine for other people’s children, but our kids deserve better, that there is a problem. Providing great education for everyone in the community, helps EVERYONE in the community — even those that can afford to opt out.


When we announced we were moving to Oakland, the main message of emails in response to the news concerned schools. Be careful of the schools! You can’t use the middle or high schools! The schools are awful! It’s hard to find a good school! It’s too late in the summer to get a spot in the good schools!


It was New York all over again. But I was determined not to worry about it.

So I did my best to ignore the passionate school-related conversations and knew we’d figure it out when we got here. And that’s what we did. A few days after our move, we visited the district office and registered the 5 oldest. They were all put into the geographically assigned school for our address — no surprises.

Did we know we would like the schools? No. We had no idea. But we chose to assume that we would like the schools. And if it turned out we were wrong, we knew we could try another option. We’ve been here for two years, and still have people raising their eyebrows at us that our kids are enrolled in Oakland public schools. But we continue to love our public schools. They’re not perfect, but they’re doing a great job for our community and they continue to improve.

Now it’s your turn.

What’s your take? Do people stress out about choosing a school where you live? What have your experiences choosing a school been like? Do you have a preference for public or private schools? Or maybe you favor homeschool? Do you live in a place that has lots of choices, or do you live in a town where 90% of the kids go to the same school? Do you think we’re crazy that we didn’t give a single thought to the school district when we bought this house? Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

P.S. — Want more education related posts? Here’s a link to all the posts about schooling in France. Here’s a link to all the posts about schooling in Oakland.

226 thoughts on “Why We Don’t Stress Out About Choosing a School”

  1. For sure people have to make their own choices about where to send their kids to school. But I also think it is important to consider making your neighborhood school better even if your kids don’t go to school there. Make it better for future kids. Make it better for the kids who live in your neighborhood now. Yes, our taxes pay for it, but maybe some extra money in donations, or in school supplies, or volunteering time.
    I confess I didn’t do this when I put my kids into a magnet school in our district- and I’m thankful they are in that system, because even though it’s a good school district in general, the magnet program offers a lot.
    I was too foolish to look at the school district when we bought our first house- but we lucked out.

  2. Gabby
    I have enjoyed your site for years and this is the first time I post. Amazing insight and so perfectly articulated. I sent my first born to kindergarten last week in NYC and have struggled with so many of the issues that you outline… all the time in the back of my head reminding myself that it is a privilege to face such “struggles”. I really appreciate your grounded perspective, especially during a time of personal uncertainty and unrest. xo

  3. We lived in a town home in a medium sized city. Money is tight for us, so we pretty much felt like we had to do public school, and we were ok with that. However, we lived in a district that we didn’t like, so when my oldest got to be around school age (not to mention with two kids we were outgrowing our townhome), we decided that it was time for a move. We opted to move to a small town that my husband was already working in. When researching schools, our best resource was the locals. Regular everyday people like us. Rather than concentrating on the “best” schools, we learned which schools/districts to avoid. After that, it’s all pretty much the same. My oldest is now in Kindergarten, and not only is thriving academically, but has also made friends (which was always a worry in the back of my mind). The only thing that I wish it had was a stronger music program, but after reading this article, I might be inspired to offer my own services in that department. ;)

  4. Thanks so much for this – it’s exactly the post I needs to read right now (our daughter starts kindergarten in September at the local public school)!

  5. I really needed to read this right. I am a mess trying to sort out a “good” school for my soon to be kindergartener. I am beyond stressed over which private, charter or public school is the best for my child.

    This have put my mind at ease and I am really going to try and not give in to the pressures of everyone telling me what is best for my child.

  6. This totally touched my heart today. I have spent the last six months completely stressed out about educational choices. We have homeschooled and it didn’t turn out like the visions I had created in my head. Fear has gripped everything within me–until now. Thank you for writing this. Thank you for encouraging mommas to take a deep breath and look at the big picture.

  7. Jennifer Schaffer

    I realize this comment is way way later than the initial post but… Thank you!! We sent our daughter to private school after a very disappointing elementary school experience (the middle school she was slated to go to would have the same principle that created the crappy experience). We have always told her it was her choice for ninth grade. She has very reasonable explanations as to why she’s ready for public school but I have been freaking out!! This article helped me breathe! She will be fine! So will I, lol. It is so easy to get caught up in the hype I guess.

  8. What a great article, thank you! This really makes so much sense. I love your focus on parental involvement and the importance of working to improve the community as a whole. I’ve been considering sending my kids to private school, but you have inspired me to stick with our public charter school, which is a parent co-op with a fabulous community, and donate my grant-writing skills to help them successfully compete for external funding.

  9. Pingback: Episode 81: Reducing High School + College Stress - Edit Your Life

  10. We live in Arlington, VA and you have to start looking at preschools when your baby is still in the womb. It’s insane. Most people send their kids to the public schools once they get to Elementary because they are so highly rated here. Some send their kids to the private DC schools at $20-30K a year. We looked and toured at the Public schools that were in our zone and those we could get into with a lottery. I have to say the highest ranked school that all our neighbors send their kids I hated. It was not the school for our family even though everyone raved about it. We decided to go against the grain and send all three of our daughters to Montessori school. They love it and we love it. Everything that entails Montessori learning we love. I’m not sure how it is in other parts of the country but here the teachers only teach memorization for the subjects so the kids do well on the monthly tests and the schools get more $$ from the government. That was not how we wanted our girls to learn even though it was free. We do not go on lavish trips like others do here but are very happy with our decision.

  11. Bravo! that’s what it has to be said about that. The worrying about schools is not just in US, or NY. In Paris or Brussels middle class people use to assign or reserve a seat on the list of schools with 4 years in advance, it means that mostly when you get pregnant you already have to look for a garderie (crèche) and very soon for a pre school.
    We moved from Paris to Brussels (we are a nomad little family with 3 different nationalities) and most of the foreigner people (expats) send their kids to private and highly expensive schools just because, or maybe because they need the school has English as a first language. We sent our kid to 3 different schools and our only requirement is that our kid could feel as good/happy as he can. He is following his education in French but he speaks Spanish at home and a bit of English. There were problems with some teachers and also lovely teachers in the last 5 years but the most important thing to me is that he feel good or comfortable at the school.So, when we faced some troubles with teachers with first tried to deal with them, give them time to recover, and when things showed for themselves to be irreconciliable, we looked for other schools. It was stressing at the beginning, but finally I get used to know that school that not the only source of our child education and wherever he stays he will have good support at home that could help him to develop his talents in the future. Thanks for this article, I really loved it!

  12. Marilee Coles-Ritchie

    I’m a bit late to the party but as a teacher educator and advocate for public education, I commend you for writing this post. Public education is one of the best places to contribute to the public good.

  13. Pearl Bongolan

    I came across your article three years late, however, it came at a perfect time where I’m at a crossroads as a parent.

    When my daughter started pre-K, I enrolled her at an independent day school. We LOVED it. It was all about the arts, music, intrinsic development and empowering the child. My daughter developed a fierce appreciation for nature, friends, and self. Fast forward to third grade when she was needing more academic stimulation, we had to say good bye to this well loved school.

    In the middle of third grade came our love affair with a Blue Ribbon Catholic School. It was AMAZING! It satisfied her intellectual curiosity and took in all the mental stimulation like a sponge. She was doing phenomenal academically. Then came the latter part of middle school- she feels she is missing something. Suddenly, the curriculum does not evoke that same excitement for learning. She started focusing on her music and art. Teachers were telling her to choose literary pieces that are not too deep (aka she needed to dumb it down a little). But we stayed because I believe in consistency and change can be very challenging for an already stressed out teen.

    We are now getting ready for high school. She got accepted at a Catholic High School and offered academic scholarship, and at an Independent Day School (different than the early grade school) with major tuition assistance. Yet here we are, highly considering our local public high school with a rating of 7 out of 10 and a population of about 2500. Why? We can’t go back to a Catholic school setting — some of her ideas are liberal and expressing them would mean that she may not get the A+ or win the essay writing contest. On a regular basis, she is faced with the conundrum of writing based on the rubrics versus writing what she really believes in. She took the liberty of not studying the whole second trimester to test what grades she would take, and even with that the lowest grade she got was a C! I found out about this as the second trimester was ending (I did not know about her motive, I just knew that her grades dropped from all As to Bs and 2 C’s) and none of her teachers reached out to me. When I made a complaint to the principal, I received a response from one of the teachers stating that “It is normal for children in the honors class for their grades to take a dip as the lessons get harder”. My daughter never got a grade lower than A since she entered this school. After I had a long talk with my child, the next test following this incident was another 100%. Comment from the teacher, “Now that’s the (child’s name) I know”.

    The independent day school is also phenomenal. They are strong in both the academics and the arts. There’s about 15 kids per grade. APs and STEM are wonderful. But walking around the campus, a major concern sticks out — there is no diversity. In this day and age, our social structure thrives on diversity. Cultural competence and emotional intelligence cannot exist in the absence of diversity.

    Our local public school, as it turns out after additional research, has more AP courses that the other private schools in our area, more Honor Societies, and more college credits available. In addition, they have a robust music, art, and athletic program, have an indoor swimming pool, fully temperature controlled learning environment, and is very diverse! AP classes have significantly smaller number of children per class.

    Needless to say, we have ditched the academic scholarships from both private schools and we’re going for the public high school. Our biggest challenge? Getting used to seeing thousands of kids in one school. We are used to a population of about 500 (entire school). We are looking forward to this new adventure and challenge. We have a strategy to make the most of what our local public school has to offer and we’re hoping for the best!

  14. Pingback: Episode 81: Reducing High School + College Stress – Asha Dornfest

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