Tall House Updates

Some updates from the last couple of weeks. You’ll find a discussion about the water softener, some terrifying footage of tradesman going up and down ladders leading up to our roof (while sometimes carrying another ladder), and you’ll learn about something called distemper paint, and how to remove it.

Come see what we’ve been up to.

Grant repaired plaster and painted in the parents bathroom. And I talked about the new water softener (we’ve never had one before!):

Here’s more on the water softener:

And here’s one more report on the water softener, plus some painting in the attic:

Oh my. This footage (and photographs) is terrifying to watch, but also I can’t look away. This roof repair team came to repair the zinc around the 3 chimneys, and to open vent holes for the plumbing. This work seems so brave to me:

For the last update today, here’s where I learned what distemper paint is, what the benefits are, and how to remove it. Have you ever heard of distemper paint?:

We’re getting closer. We still need one big push on plumbing work — I think if the team came and gave us 3 full days they would be done. And then, there’s plaster and painting in the stairwell, the electrical team needs to come drop in the outlets and switches, and there are a few other odds and ends (a little bit of tile, a little bit of carpentry, etc.).

7 thoughts on “Tall House Updates”

  1. We also live in an area with hard water. I grew up with softened water and HATED the taste of it. (Outside Chicago). Husband’s family never bothered with a water softener so he’s partial to not having a softener so we never installed one when we built our house. Our biggest issue is iron – it leaves a red ring in the toilets and will turn your whites orange eventually. We get some buildup on our faucets, but not as much as it sounds like you deal with ! Having now lived with hard water for 20+ years, every time we travel somewhere with soft water, I feel “slimy” getting out of the shower. Like the soap won’t come off. :D

    Exciting developments! I’m sure the end seems tantalizingly close and yet infuriatingly far away.

  2. In Rome we also have very hard water. Our on-demand water heater has a built in water softener where with little capsules you replace. Similarly, the dishwasher has a place to add salt to soften the water. I’d never seen such things before moving to Europe.

  3. This is only tangentially related, but are you and your family planning on leaving any notes hidden away before the remodel finishes? I’m reminded of this awesome one that a couple found when they remodeled their bathroom.

    Could be cool to think about who might find it many many years from now!

  4. When I watched your stories on Instagram about the ladders I laughed. When I lived in Moldova as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I came to the realization that Americans are unusually preoccupied with safety compared to much of the rest of the world. I’ll never forget the day we arrived in Moldova and were in the baggage claim area of the airport while construction workers worked all around us. They were wearing shorts and sandals and no protective eye gear/gloves and the sparks were literally flying all around us. Over my 2 years, I saw so many things that would shock Americans (and not just with construction…babies held in their mothers arms in a car, a pole-climbing challenge up at least 50 feet into the air with only a thin wrestling mat at the bottom- and the competitors were 10-11 years old, ladders perching on so many unstable things, etc.). My sister was visiting when the pole-climbing competition was taking place and I remember she was so terrified for the kids, whereas I was just like “oh, this seems quite normal”.

  5. You are so close! I bet you can’t wait to move in. I know I can’t wait to see it finished! You’re doing a beautiful job.

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