Living With Kids: Caryn Schafer

Choosing to downsize from a large home in the suburbs to a much tinier space is probably not as difficult to handle when the much tinier space is in huge by anyone’s standards New York City! I think it would be the best kind of challenge, right? Keeping only what you love, organizing vertically by use, and ruthlessly overthinking every purchase. And the minute you feel a bit claustrophobic, Central Park is one block away. Marvelous.

I love this peek into Caryn’s small space and big thoughts. I’ve read it three times, and I find something new with each read. I hope you do, too. I originally shared this NYC home tour in 2015, but with rent prices dropping in Manhattan, and people considering a move to the big city, I thought it was time to share it again. Caryn’s love for New York is wonderful. Welcome, Caryn!

Hello! We are a family of four. Mark is the solitary male of our home, who is actually quite fond of hot pink. He is a designer for a tech company, and has a passion for beautifully designed things ranging from type and furniture to letter openers, and salt and pepper shakers.

Our older daughter is almost three. She has a zest for life and would dance through it if opportunity allowed. Her height and vocabulary often fool people into thinking she is older, and she lives for social activities, working her charms on every person she can get near.

Our younger daughter is nearly one and is still quite a mystery to us. She has the biggest blue eyes anyone has ever seen and is already incredibly active, risky, and vocal. She is a snuggler and has a smile always at the ready. She is just beginning to walk, determined to figure everything out and taste it along the way too.

Finally there is me, Caryn. I am the wife, the mom, the cook, the book addict, the blogger, and the illustrator. I firmly believe bookstores are my Kryptonite, and I have an unhealthy obsession with stripes, polka dots, picture books, and French food philosophy.

We live in New York City on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. The short version of this story is that we rented our apartment sight unseen. After about a year of feeling the desire to downsize from our house in the suburbs and convert to city life, Mark chased down a fantastic job change, pushing us to sell, pack, and move within two months. The short timeline, a month of training for Mark across the country, and me being in the third trimester with our second, resulted in us relying heavily on a broker to hunt down the perfect place for our family in a completely new city. We only saw a handful of pictures, but it had the most potential in its location and layout and we were running out of time for our move and my pregnancy, so we grabbed it.

It was a weird feeling walking into it for the first time knowing we had to make it work. It was better than I was expecting, and it has turned out to be exactly what we had hoped for. It is a one-bedroom, about 450 sq. ft. apartment on the fifth floor of a lovely brownstone. We are at the top of the building which means it is quiet, we get tons of light, and no one passes our door unless they are looking for us.

There are four flights of stairs, 77 steps to be exact, to get to us. That could be considered a downside, but every flight saves us money and serves the dual purpose of exercise. We have been here almost exactly a year and I do actually feel a marvelous sense of relief and joy when I enter our home. Perhaps it is only the effect of being winded from the stairs. Really though, I am overwhelmingly satisfied with how our hopes and vision have panned out.

You know the gorgeous scenes and streets from You’ve Got Mail where brownstones abound, streets converge in cool places, hot dogs are singing, and Starbucks are on every corner? That’s where we live.

I probably should have mentioned my deep love for You’ve Got Mail in the intro. My joy, memorization, and watch-count verge on lunacy. Which makes our great move to the Upper West Side even more fitting. By some bizarre stroke of luck, we landed smack dab inside that picturesque world of Nora Ephron. Even 17 years after filming, this neighborhood is charming. Every day I walk down the streets to run some errand, quite possibly in Zabar’s, I hear The Cranberries singing in my head and ponder picking up some more daisies at the corner bodega. I desperately love this city and am always looking for the beauty.

I am realistic, though. We are a family of four living in a small, one-bedroom apartment in an ever-changing city. Thankfully we had been hoping to downsize because it is quite the necessity in Manhattan. Rent is pretty astronomical. But we were thrilled to sell our car and offload the carseats. Our transportation costs plummeted now that we get to walk and bike most everywhere. We hop the subway, bus, or taxi if time won’t allow walking, and we have the most lovely stroll across Central Park to get to church every week.

It takes Mark the same amount of time to either take the subway or bike to work each day. We live around the corner from a subway stop, half a street away from Central Park, and four avenues from Riverside Park. Central Park is a great escape from crowded city life and the best backyard we could have ever dreamed of. Mark celebrates every time he doesn’t have to mow. My oldest and I have made it our goal to visit every playground in NYC, starting with the 21 located in Central Park. There are hundreds of incredible restaurants to be experienced, shows to see, classes to take, free activities everywhere, and a museum for every possible interest.

As far as everything else goes, yes it does seem to cost more, but not in the way I thought. Groceries are basically the same as what I was paying back in the South, unless you make the mistake of forgetting something and have to pick it up at a corner store. You can get just about everything delivered, and I happily tip anyone who will carry things up to me.

I think the real change I’ve noticed is the pressure to spend to fit culturally. You don’t need as much or have room for as much, but you need and want nicer things in NYC. And you are expected to go out to expensive places, and see costly shows, wear the right kind of clothing, and have a nanny.

But, I’m so thankful for the downsizing as it has made us more mindful consumers and made us invest in more quality pieces rather than quantity. Instead of cleaning and caring for a big house, we spend our time exploring the city, visiting museums and parks, and just having fun together.

Oh, I love Manhattan! I feel like to some extent we are still in the honeymoon phase with NYC; but I don’t think there is anything better than being somewhere you know you are supposed to be. I once heard a quote somewhere that NYC has a tendency to embrace you at one moment and then slap you in the face the next. We have definitely felt those moments, but our years of desiring to be here seem to have given us a better chance of laughing at the hard blows.

I do feel like my aesthetic has changed with a smaller home, but I think the move is a reflection of that rather than a cause. If I met my newlywed self now, I don’t think we would recognize each other. I have gone very modern, thanks to my husband’s design influence for sure; but also due to culling what I really want around me.

When we were feeling our desire to move, we started purging as some sort of preparation. Mark wrote the words, “Edit ruthlessly” on the chalkboard wall of our house inspired by a TED talk from Graham Hill. Living daily with those words had great affect.

It took us a year to actually have a reason to move, but in that time we focused heavily on getting rid of things that we didn’t need. We searched for better solutions to our essentials. We re-evaluated every item we owned, harshly critiquing whether we really wanted to give it real estate wherever we ended up. We sold our television and suddenly realized we never had time for it anyway. I said goodbye to things I thought had sentimental value, figuring out ways to remember them outside of the space they took up. It was an immensely helpful time, not only paring down our possessions, but preparing us emotionally for big changes.

Now, I would describe my current aesthetic as mid-century modern, a little obsessed with gray, and with an emphasis on displaying our favorite things – mainly books and art. We long for things that are both beautiful and functional. And there isn’t room for singular-purposed items here anyway!

It has been an odd experience designing the space Mark and I want, while keeping in mind that the girls have to live here, too. Bins for toys sound like a great idea, but finding ones that fit perfectly, are easy to play with, and meet our design taste is not an easy task. We created a no-electronic toys policy before our oldest was born and I am so grateful in our tiny space. We focus on toys that are beautifully made so that we don’t mind having them visible.

Both Mark and I have a deep love for books, and we had to be incredibly creative to make it all fit. It took us a couple of weeks to design the solution we wanted and make it work within our budget. We walked through stores, scoured catalogs, and brainstormed exactly what we wanted while we slept on an air mattress in the middle of piles upon piles of books. And yes, I was very pregnant during this time. We wisely got rid of most of our furniture before moving, giving us a mostly blank slate to work with and a bit more cash to start fresh.

Thankfully, we do have tall ceilings which aids in space and in light. We also have NYC’s fantastic Craigslist which helped us sell a few pieces we shouldn’t have brought and get pieces that work so much better. There are only a couple of antique pieces we feel strongly attached to, and that gave us freedom to rethink it all.

Our wall bed was probably one of the biggest puzzle pieces to help everything else fall into place. Have you ever thought about how much space a bed takes? Once I gave up my need for a picturesque duvet cover and took delight in a beautiful, functional rug; life became much more spacious. I sincerely love our carpet tile rug. It functions as a room divider, the area where toys must remain, a soft ground for somersaults and learning to walk, and a cushion for my feet when getting out of bed. And I don’t have to feel precious about it since a tile can be picked up, cleaned, and put right back down.

Going vertical was a necessity, but also helps section things off. The girls’ books are easily accessible in their room or in toy bins in our main room; while our books are high up, but request-able. I organize items vertically by frequency of use in every room, and we bought a beautiful wooden ladder that we delight in having out in the open all the time.

We only have two closets total, so there isn’t that space to just hide things as easily. I ended up hanging the girls’ lovely dresses out in the open in their room and I’m so thrilled with that decision! It works as an excellent divider between their beds while it saves us closet space for the storage we do need.

Little things like that seem to be the key. We have closed shelf space behind the sofa, a toy box that functions as extra seating when we have company, and a rolling unit with drawers and bins to move away from our bed at night. Some of these solutions came quickly and others we agonized over, starring Pinterest photos and dog-earring catalogs until we found the right thing. In the end, we have an apartment that is fully customized to our family with a unique juxtaposition of brands and price tags. The key now seems to be blocking any more catalogs from coming in as we just don’t need anything else!

I am still on the steep learning curve of carving out work time for myself. I was a graphic designer for a couple of years before our oldest was born, but my passion has always been for picture book illustration. Shortly after my oldest was born, I began my picture book blog as an outlet for me to talk about books as much as I wanted. It has been a great source of inspiration and forced me to find space to think about books and my own illustration dreams.

As I hinted earlier, it seems to be the expected norm on the Upper West Side to have a nanny or at the very least have your kids in classes and preschool. But we just aren’t there yet, and I’m not sure we ever will be. The nanny culture is fascinating, but also expensive and not what we envision for our family. I honestly don’t know what we’ll do in the future, but if I’ve learned anything from motherhood so far, it is essential to stay overly flexible.

As our baby edges closer to her first birthday, I feel more time being given back to me. I am trying to have a goal of at least sketching something every day, even if my sketches aren’t worth anyone seeing. It is beneficial for me to do even a tiny bit of work each day rather than try to find large chunks of free time, which are pretty elusive when you have toddlers. I review picture books whenever inspiration and time allow. I’m constantly making lists and notes about books, and also jotting down ideas for illustrations and plots.

I have also realized that I require deadlines in my life. I can go months without really creating any paintings or even drawings, and then something comes up that I want work for and suddenly I am pounding out the pieces. I hope to find a more fluid way to make myself work amidst the daily tasks, but for now I am learning to create deadlines even when it is simply for the pleasure of creating something.

We have already been told many times that we’ll outgrow this apartment, but our minds are open to whatever needs to happen. We truly love it here and already envision several room solutions we could make as the girls grow. A lot of this will depend on our rent, but this location is perfect for us. I like that the small square footage makes me overthink every purchase (except books, unfortunately) and I feel the need to purge every corner almost weekly.

I’ll gladly take the flights of stairs when I can walk around the corner to Central Park, down a couple of streets to the Ballet, Opera, and Theater, up a couple blocks to museums, and I am surrounded by gobs of fabulous restaurants and grocery stores. We tend to take life one year at a time and are focusing our energy on just loving all NYC has to offer. We would love to live overseas if opportunity ever allows as we strongly desire to share other cultures and world views with our girls, as well as continue to expand our own. New York is definitely big enough, but we’ll always be open to what’s next and strive to be content wherever we land.

My favorite part about living with my kids is finally having a visible excuse to read as many picture books as I want. There is a children’s book or poem for just about everything and every stage, and we are always on the hunt to find them. I love when my oldest quotes a book as a way to express something. Stories can give words to emotions when you don’t quite know how to process them yet.

I also love sharing new experiences with them. The joy of doing things for the first time is something I had forgotten. Experiencing those moments with my kids is like doing them for the first time again myself, but this time having the insight to realize how special it truly is.

One of the most surprising things to me about being a mom is realizing that I have to choose to love my kids every day. That feels so wrong to say, but I think it is true, at least for me.

When we married seven years ago, our minister counseled about love being something you don’t always feel, but promise to choose. I guess I always assumed that when it is your child, it comes naturally. There is something to that, of course, but they are still separate people from me. They are unique personalities that I have to learn and respect and choose to love as well. I will always feel love for them simply because they are my babies and I am their mama. But they grow up, and in those moments of attitudes or annoyance, I have to choose to love all of them even when it is different from me.

In all honesty, I’m still in a bit of mourning for the relationship I lost with our oldest daughter when we moved and the youngest came. It was such a crazy intense time of change and I tried very hard to make it as smooth as possible for her; but I didn’t really realize how different she and I would be after it was all over.

It is quite different the second time around. I don’t feel as panicky about rough nights or weird stages. I actually kind of miss the sweet, squishy newborn phase, but I’m thankful to be beyond the insane hormones and constant nursing. I think having our second daughter helped me slow down and enjoy it as it comes, knowing that everything passes.

I hope they remember how much we danced! Both Mark and I love music and we are all taking turns getting obsessed over one song or another. One of our oldest’s first phrases was, “I need music.” We try to dance for everything: a new day, cleaning up, making food, painting, venting frustration, and especially celebrating things like Daddy coming home.

I know it is supposed to be one thing to remember, but that second part about what they remember about me as their mom longs to be separate. While I sincerely hope they forget my impatience, angry moments, and occasional meal disappointments; I am desperately praying that I can pass on to my children a healthy body image. I despise all the back-handed comments we make about our bodies, the airbrushed women the media surrounds us with, and the guilt and binges of food. I hope to teach my girls that they have value because of who they are and that their minds are just as important as their bodies. And I want to teach them a healthy view of food, that isn’t related to rewards or punishments. I hope they remember their mama ate cake in celebration and didn’t joke about the ramifications.

I wish someone had told me that motherhood would be very, very hard, but that hard can be really, really good.

I had no idea how lonely it is to be a mom. No one really understands all the hormones, emotions, fears, worries, and intense hours you expend on your child. And yet, every other mom is experiencing her own version of that. Motherhood has revealed so many selfish and ugly parts of me that I find myself having to take my own parenting words to heart every time I say them. I, too, need to be kind, have patience, and express myself appropriately.

I just pray that somehow, through all my faults and inadequacies and especially how I deal with them, my daughters will see that we are all broken people who need love and grace.


Oh, Caryn! There is so much goodness in your interview that I resisted the urge to bold all your wisdom. But this is wonderful, and deserves to be repeated as many times as needed: “I hope they remember their mama ate cake in celebration and didn’t joke about the ramifications.” Yes.

From the nanny culture around you to not recognizing your newlywed-self’s style (so true!) to choosing to love your kids every day, it’s all incredibly thought-provoking. I really hope Caryn’s words added to your day! And, tell me: Did you find their bed?

P.S. – Are you interested in sharing your own home with us? Let me know! It’s a lot of fun…I promise! Take a peek at all the homes in my Living With Kids series here.

94 thoughts on “Living With Kids: Caryn Schafer”

  1. Thank you for sharing your lovely and smart interior. It gave me lots of inspiration. Me, my husband and son of almost three are living in a small appartement in a city in the Netherlands. There is no possibility to move because of the bad house market in Holland, so we have to make the best out of it! After reading this interview, I feel lees pressure :). Thank you, wish you and your family all the best!!! Kind regards, Frederique from Almelo, the Netherlands

  2. Not having ever lived in NYC and only visited once as a single adult. You mentioned getting rid of carseats and your car….if you are in a taxi do your kids ride in carseats? Do you rent a car and said car seats for longer trips outside of NYC?

    1. Hi Lisa! Great questions. Fascinating fact about NYC, taxis have different regulations and passengers are not required to have carseats. It is recommended of course, but there is no law for it. And the speed limit everywhere is 25 mph or bumper to bumper. Whenever we hop a taxi, I’m usually wearing the baby in a wrap and our oldest sits on the bench in the middle. It is so convenient!

      Otherwise, we can rent a car with carseats. Or we have taken a train out of the city and been picked up by extended family members who have carseats ready for us. Takes a little planning, but better than storing and carting carseats around.

  3. Oh me oh my! This has to be one of my favourites!! The decor AND the mother behind it! :) Love this series – thanks so much for sharing so many wonderful homes! Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to photograph mine! :)

  4. This post came at just the right time for me! We’ve been living in NYC for a few years now and the winter is *really* getting to me this year. Bundled up and walking past garbage/snow piles each morning, I keep asking myself why we decided to uproot ourselves from our beautiful, sunny, southern lives to deal with negative temps, overheated subway cars and insane rent prices. But reading Caryn’s exuberant love for the city reminds me what an exciting and beautiful place this really is (and that in reality, I do like it here). Also, I’m embarking on the “Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” journey this weekend, which consists of getting rid of massive amounts of stuff. So this beautifully furnished, minimalist apartment is excellent inspiration. Thanks for sharing :).

  5. i dreamt last night that my husband I moved with our three kids on a small budget to NYC. I couldn’t decide if it was a nightmare or a dream (we’ve talked about actually doing it for years)…but this post makes me think it would be a dream…a tough but adventurous rewarding dream. i love the custom pieces in this home…just shows that you can have a very functional and also beautiful home at the same time.

  6. Caryn — loved this tour! Lots of inspiration — visual and verbal. I had a quick question, though — that little family on your fireplace mantel — is that your little family in sculpture or 3D print-out? It so intrigues me…

    1. Hey Leslie,

      Sorry for the delayed response. I just circled back to this post with Gabrielle’s year in review and realized there are a couple questions for me. Oops!

      Yes, that figure on the mantel is our family! It is a 3D sculpture we had made as our family portrait that year. There was a little pop-up shop in Chelsea Market here in NYC. The company is We love it, though we have had a couple accidents with it and our looking for ways to protect it while on display. :)

  7. Love this! Beautiful home and perspective. Thanks so much for sharing, Caryn! I have to ask—in the photo with the fireplace, there is a lovely painting/illustration of a couple dancing (?) at a playground. Mind sharing the source? It’s just so quirky and wonderful. :) Thanks!

    1. Hi Sarah!

      Sorry for the delay in response. I just came back to the post through the year in review and saw your question.

      That painting is one we commissioned from a friend before we got married. It is indeed us dancing at a playground. The artist is Chris Anderson ( who also happens to be Flora’s husband from the Living with Kids post at Flora Anderson’s house!

  8. Christa Schneider

    Thanks Caryn for this great post! I would love to hear how your family has weighed hospitality into your considerations regarding your home size and layout. Thanks in advance for anything further you can share.

    1. Hey Christa,

      Thanks for the comment! Sorry for my delayed response. Just came back and saw your question.

      Hospitality is a working battle here honestly. From what I can tell, it is pretty standard in NYC to not usually host people in your home. Dinners maybe, but a lot of times you meet up somewhere. Most homes are just really small. We do have people over for meals often and just hope that our conversation and meals make up for the intimate space and lack of chairs!

      Also, it is nearly impossible to have people stay with us. This is a blessing and also hard. I have had a single girlfriend stay on our sofa when my husband was traveling as well as my mother-in-law once; and my parents stayed over on one tight occasion too. All of those were “I need help” times when Mark was traveling for long periods of time. But usually, guests hang out here and sleep at a hotel. We are currently discussing ways to maybe change it up as our youngest gets closer to a possible big girl bed and my older daughter is lobbying for bunk beds. We’ll see how it turns out. The walls of a loving home expand right? :)

  9. Such a lovely post! I really had great time reading it! Living with kids sometimes is pretty tough especially if you are a neat and a clean freak. Thanks for sharing! <3

  10. What a fascinating peek into this life. Totally inspirational. My husband and I want to vacate the suburbs and plan to find a one-bedroom in the city to shorten our commutes and maximize, well, everything else. We have a toddler and it’s incredibly helpful to see how others are doing this. Thank you so much for sharing your home!

  11. Pingback: Next Level Decorating: Creative & Beautiful Ways to Use Carpet Tile – Pioneers Discovers

  12. This was very interesting to read as we reach the year mark of living with COVID just outside Manhattan. Many of those wonderful parts of living here, access to museums, neighborhood playgrounds, coffee shops on every block, subway stop on the corner, have been inaccessible (or inadvisable) for most of this year. Families have been confined to their tiny apartments with parents trying to WFH and homeschool at the same time. We have seen many families move out of our city, deciding more living space, a backyard, or closeness to relatives, things to be more highly desired.

  13. I would love to know how this space worked with 2 kids in elementary school during the pandemic! Did they stay in town, or decamp to the suburbs?

  14. I am sure I read this back in 2015, but WOW!!!! Did I love it the second time around. Picture books are my downfall–can you ever have enough??? Thank you Gabby for sharing it again!

  15. How times have changed since 2015. An update to this post would be interesting. Families have been moving to the suburbs to get more breathing room; and if and when things change again, some may be moving back to the city.

    On the other hand, some things do not change. We’re still trying to downsize and organize, but now its a business – or a competition.
    And this: “I had no idea how lonely it is to be a mom .” My kids are grown with kids of their own, but this still resonated with me as I remembered those years. Even with (or because of) social media, Zoom, Slack, Twitter, IG, and now Covid, I think it can still be a lonely time.

  16. Hi Priscila! I was just alerted to this post making a comeback and saw your question. Hopefully you’ll see my response too. It is a FLOR rug. We still have it and recently added several tiles to it to reconfigure the size. We love them!

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